Department of Russian Studies
Study of Russian and Chinese Translation
来源: 发布时间:2013-12-30

Course title
Study of Russian and Chinese Translation
Wu Xiaoxia
Instructor’s profile
Dr. Wu Xiaoxia obtained her doctor degree from Beijing Normal University. Her research interests are Russian literary and translation.
Course goals
This course aims to give students the necessary translation theories, methods and techniques, and to cultivate students' translation competence through a lot of translation practice.
Topics to be covered in this course include six parts:
Part I translation theories, methods and skills (2 hours)
Part II translation of Science and technology work (8 hours)
Part III translation of coverage (4 hours)
Part IV translation of Political essays (4 hours)
Part V translation of literary works (10 hours)
Part VI translation of practical writing (4 hours)
Two papers of translation of science and technology and literature (6000 words)
Reference books
[1] Fedorov, А. 2002. Basic theories of translation. М.: Press《филология ТРИ》, (in Russian)
[2] Komissarovdorov, V. 2002. Modern translation studies. М.:Press《ЭТС》, (in Russian)
[3] Yi Cai. 2006. Russian-Chinese translation tutorial. Beijing:Foreign language teaching and research Press, (in Chinese)
[4] Chengquan Zhang. 2000. The utility of Russian-Chinese & Chinese - Russian translation. Jinan:Shandong University Press, (in Chinese)
Working language
Chinese and Russian

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