香港城市大学方称宇博士讲座通知(二):The VerbSystem in Academic Discourse
来源: 发布时间:2017-04-07

The VerbSystem in Academic Discourse







This talk will focus on verbs, which are central to the sentenceconstruction. Grammatically, verbs can be classified into three broad types:copular, intransitive and transitive. While past studies have alreadyestablished the preference for the different verb types across speech andwriting, the distribution of these verb types across different genres remainsopen to further investigations. This talk will discuss a fine-grainedsubcategorisation of verb transitivity types and compare their use acrossgeneral discourse and academic discourse.



Alex Chengyu Fang received his PhD from University College London,where he was appointed at the Survey of English Usage, Deparmtent of Phoneticsand Linguistics and Computer Science Department. He is Associate Professor atthe Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong. Heis an expert member in TC37 of the International Organization forStandardization and member in the China National Technicial Committee onLanguage Resources for Standardization. His major research interests includecorpus linguistics, computational linguistics, and natural language processing.His major publications include English Corpora and Automated GrammaticalAnalysis (2007), ISO Standards for Dialogue Analysis (2012), and TextGenres and Registers: The Computation of Linguistic Features (2015).


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